Add swagger to the kotlin spring

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In this short article we shall see how to configure swagger with spring webflux project. We create a project on spring initializer and then shall configure swagger.


Create a project on the spring boot initializer page with dependency as ‘webflux’ and language as ‘java’

spring initializer

In order to work swagger with kotlin you need to add the following repositories in you pom.xml file.

Since the swagger dependencyis available in another repository you need to add that repository as well in you ‘pom.xml’ file as below-

Setup swagger with kotlin

Create a class called ‘SwaggerCofig’ this class is responsible to configure Docket for our application as below

at line no# 9 we set the path of the rest controllers, swagger will scan this package to pick the endpoints.

Create a sample response object

Create a simple LoanDetailFacade that will contains the details about the loan.

Create rest controller

It’s the same as we do in spring web create some endpoints as below

Test Application

To run the application use below commn mvn spring-boot:run

go to the url http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

the swagger page should show like this

swagger ui example


The full source code is available here GitHub.